Your customers have met their match at Rad Platypus

We create media that reaches people and turns them into profitable customers.

Make Me Money!

Benefits of quality marketing

Every year it seems more people are chasing the same dollars. Put yourself ahead of the game with Rad Platypus.

Reach new customers

Obviously more customers = more money, but only if they know what you're selling. And they won't know unless you your marketing reaches the places where they spend their time.

Reach better customers

Maybe you have all the customers you can handle. Now you need better customers willing to spend more. Class up your marketing and convince people you are worth it.

Convert more customers

Conversions are potential customers that have made the decision to becomes actual customers. Quality marketing from Rad Platypus will help you increase your conversion ratio

Crank your business to 11

Everything you need to get yourself or your business online and converting customers, all in one place

Everything you need to get yourself or your business online and converting customers, all in one place

Logos & Branding

Put your best face forward and reach the right customers with our professional logo and branding services.

A/V Production

Commercials, training videos, social media videos and more. Reach your audience online, on TV and on the radio.

4K AI Digital Upscaling

Don't reshoot assets you already paid for! Save money—Convert your old VHS tapes and lower-rez videos to 4K, using AI.

Print & Marketing

Print flyers and postcards, door-hangers, vinyl banners, business cards and promotional items—everything you need to promote your business.

Digital Marketing

Reach your online audience with pro-quality social media assets like Facebook/Instagram banners, ads, videos and stories

Web Development

Reach customers where they surf, worldwide, with an internet presence that stands out above the crown and converts visitors into loyal, paying customers.

Our Rad Portfolio

Like a platyus, we're a little bit of everything. Join the ranks of these happy clients who swear by Rad Platypus.


Bold, innovative design that gets results, and won't break the bank

Over 20 years experince in digital marketing means we know what your customers are looking for, and how and where to reach them.
  •     Our one-stop shop simplifies your marketing pipeline
  •     Like having multiple agencies at yuour fingertips.
  •     Unlock marketing potential you never knew you had
  •     Etiam tempor ante acum ipsum et finibus 4.
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Seen enough? Let's get started

We're ready to take your marketing to the next level...are you?

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